The competitiveness, development and prosperity of our organization depend exclusively on maintaining existing and gaining new positions in the design, production of electrical panels, systems for control and protection of technological processes, training and implementation, repair and offering complete engineering solutions for building automated systems for electric drive and control of machines and facilities in industry and maintenance of electrical grids.
The fulfillment of the commitments made to our customers and partners is a key factor for our development, as they are the most important for our success. Only by satisfying the requirements of our customers can we maximize the economic effect of our business, and hence our profit!
On behalf of the Management, we officially announce our support and personal commitment to maintain and continuously improve the quality management system, environment, information security, health and safety at work in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001 and ISO 45001.
All this can only be achieved with a well-trained staff, with a professional approach and way of management, while creating the appropriate working conditions!
For this purpose a Management Policy is followed in the company, containing the main guidelines and obligations of the Company related to the management of the quality of products and services, healthy and safe working conditions, information security and environmental protection. It sets the overall strategy of the Company to achieve its goals within the context in which it operates.
▪ Full satisfaction of the requirements and expectations of our customers and other stakeholders, including legal act requirements;
▪ Improving the image of the organization in order to attract new corporate clients;
▪ Constant and purposeful improvement of the qualification of the entire staff of the company;
▪ Providing and managing appropriate and technological means of manufacturing;
▪ Search and implementation of innovative solutions to increase the efficiency of our work;
▪ Maintaining good relationships with suppliers based on mutual interest;
▪ Involvement of all staff in quality management through job satisfaction and motivation for sustainable success;
▪ Making modern management decisions based on risk assessment, analysis and comparable data.
▪ Performance of obligations to comply with:
▪ The measures taken by the company for environmental protection should fully comply with the current legislation in this area;
▪ Protecting the environment and increasing the company’s performance towards it;
▪ Management and reduction of pollution and the amount of waste generated during operation;
▪ Monitoring and management of activities in order to optimize the resources used, incl. water consumption, minerals resources and energy;
▪ Minimizing the risk of environmental accidents;
▪ Maintaining immaculate readiness of the technical means and staff for prevention and adequate response in case of emergencies;
▪ Setting environmental protection requirements for suppliers, customers and other stakeholders.
▪ Ensuring healthy and safe working conditions to prevent work-related injuries and illnesses;
▪ Compliance with legal and other applicable requirements in relation to safe working conditions;
▪ Elimination of hazards and reducing risks to health and safety at work;
▪ Consultation and participation of workers and their representatives on issues of safe working conditions.
▪ Striving to achieve the goals of ensuring the confidentiality, integrity and availability of important for the organization information assets;
▪ Implementation of applicable requirements related to information security;
▪ Continuous improvement of the information security management system.